I have a new job that I actually enjoy and am actually respected at. Kmart is giving me a ton of hours as compared to my meager fractions at Radio Shack, so I feel I may be in a better position, this holiday season, to make some new purchases.
This November, in particular, is shaping up to be a real problematic month, as far as decision making and priorities go:

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
is coming out, which will likely break records, as its predecessors had. However, I probably will not be puchasing this iteration, just like I hadn't MW2 or Black Ops.
What's disappointing about the CoD series is that they are actively attempting to release a new entry every year. Granted, they alternate developers each year, allowing for at least 2 years development, but this does mean that the games are just churned out as if they were on an assembly line.
I would be more okay with this if they just dropped the campaign. No one cares about it. Just focus on multiplayer. If they would put all their effort behind the only mode people play, it'd be that much better.
This November, in particular, is shaping up to be a real problematic month, as far as decision making and priorities go:
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
What's disappointing about the CoD series is that they are actively attempting to release a new entry every year. Granted, they alternate developers each year, allowing for at least 2 years development, but this does mean that the games are just churned out as if they were on an assembly line.
I would be more okay with this if they just dropped the campaign. No one cares about it. Just focus on multiplayer. If they would put all their effort behind the only mode people play, it'd be that much better.
I am one who firmly believes in the concept of video game addiction, and I do get addicted to this series. It's nothing terrible, but when I had World at War, I was, in fact, neglecting the relationship that would eventually become my marriage. When I realized this is when I decided to, from then on, simply rent or borrow the games. I would, at times, be simply unable to put the controller down, or end my gaming session in a distant mood.

However, the Halo series does not invoke that kind of response, from me. I think I simply enjoy the series more, and end my sessions on a more positive note.
Sadly, though, 343 Studios wants to take the same yearly release approach. Sigh.
With that said, Halo: Combat Evolved: Anniversary
is also releasing this November. Halo: CE: A is an HD remake of the original Halo title, a game that I admittedly have played only twice. If this were a remake of Halo 2, I'd think more positively about the purchase.
The thing is, I'd almost be entirely interested in replaying the incredible multiplayer maps, if it were a Halo 2 remake. With that said, the Halo 1 remake is releasing with 8 classic maps from 1, 2, and possibly 3. These maps, though, are to be played along side Halo: Reach players. I believe I read that these maps will be given as a DLC voucher code within the game case, though I could be wrong. This, to me, says that, especially to maximize profits, the maps will be released for purchase for Reach. So this sale is also an iffy purchase to me.

Elderscrolls V: Skyrim
is due out the same month. I have never played an Elderscrolls game, before, but Bathesda, the developer, made Fallout 3 and allowed Obsidian to use the same tools to make Fallout: New Vegas. These games (especially F3) are simply amazing, and I'd like to get into their other games. Skyrim looks to be mezmerizing, and I am considering this game to be a must have.

However a game that is no mere consideration, but rather a must buy for every single person alive, is the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
. Collecting MGS2, 3, and Peace Walker in HD, this anthology (that I believe will be a budget title) is going to blow me away.
I have been incapable of playing my Playstation 2 titles ever since my PS2 had been stolen sometime in 2007 or so. I eventually got a PS3 (in anticipation for MGS4), but they no longer manufactured backwards compatible PS3s, which meant I could not play my PS2 games.
I am SO excited to return to MGS2, my favorite of the series. I just cannot wait to paint the deck of the tanker red with blood, climb the crows' nest, and take pictures of my handiwork. I do hope this will allow you to export your in game pictures to the hard drive. I also cannot wait for the explorative feel MGS3 gave me as I trekked from jungle to cave to swamp to mountain to etc.
Such a great series.

I also think the Playstation Vita
will be touching down in November, but I could be mistaken. If I were to ever get that, though, it'd probably have to wait until my birthday, in April.
So, those are the most hotly anticipated November releases. I cannot wait for MGS.
Hm, I think I'm going to add a Christmas list to the side bar. Never too early, right?
However, the Halo series does not invoke that kind of response, from me. I think I simply enjoy the series more, and end my sessions on a more positive note.
Sadly, though, 343 Studios wants to take the same yearly release approach. Sigh.
With that said, Halo: Combat Evolved: Anniversary
The thing is, I'd almost be entirely interested in replaying the incredible multiplayer maps, if it were a Halo 2 remake. With that said, the Halo 1 remake is releasing with 8 classic maps from 1, 2, and possibly 3. These maps, though, are to be played along side Halo: Reach players. I believe I read that these maps will be given as a DLC voucher code within the game case, though I could be wrong. This, to me, says that, especially to maximize profits, the maps will be released for purchase for Reach. So this sale is also an iffy purchase to me.
Elderscrolls V: Skyrim
However a game that is no mere consideration, but rather a must buy for every single person alive, is the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
I have been incapable of playing my Playstation 2 titles ever since my PS2 had been stolen sometime in 2007 or so. I eventually got a PS3 (in anticipation for MGS4), but they no longer manufactured backwards compatible PS3s, which meant I could not play my PS2 games.
I am SO excited to return to MGS2, my favorite of the series. I just cannot wait to paint the deck of the tanker red with blood, climb the crows' nest, and take pictures of my handiwork. I do hope this will allow you to export your in game pictures to the hard drive. I also cannot wait for the explorative feel MGS3 gave me as I trekked from jungle to cave to swamp to mountain to etc.
Such a great series.
I also think the Playstation Vita
So, those are the most hotly anticipated November releases. I cannot wait for MGS.
Hm, I think I'm going to add a Christmas list to the side bar. Never too early, right?
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