Sunday, July 17, 2011

Started a New Game of New Vegas.

I started up a brand new game of Fallout: New Vegas, this morning.

It is 10:03 am, and, when it turned it off, my save said I had been playing for an hour and forty-five minutes. It made me realize one of the reasons Fallout is so great:

In that 1 3/4 hours, I had only leveled -up once.

There is just so much to do right from the start. I created my character as I typically do: with ruffled up hair and a manly, overgrown beard. I'm pretty sure I also choose this beard, because I have such a problem gorwing my own facial hair, and I long to be able to have a full beard :( 

I then set out on my quest to find the man who shot me in the head and buried me only slightly alive.

I scoured the area, checking all mailboxes, looking for magazines, items that will increase my stats, when I'm in a bind, as well as any bottle caps (currency) and ammo.

Then, to get a free gun and experience points, I did the tutorial quests that would show a new player the gist of the game, from combat, waypoint following, and item crafting.

I encountered some baddies, including escaped prisoners and giant, mutated geckos. I made my way to the next settlement, a casino town called Primm, and learned that more escaped convicts had taken the town hostage.

After stealing some better armor from the local militia, I headed into town, circling around the central casino as I cleared the area of convicts. I holed up into a general store, where I found a disabled Eyebot lying on the table.

I had all the components to fix ED-E, minus one sensor module that I passed up just outside of town. I retraced my footsteps, grabbed the device, and returned. I found my first, and my favorite, follower, whom gives me a greatly extended radius of awareness, increasing my perception, allowing me to know when other creatures, good and bad, are even remotely close.

That's when I decided to end it for the time being.

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